Saturday, December 15, 2012

The "Magic" of the Elf via Ryan's Quest

Words written from a mother on her son...Help make this season magical!

The "Magic" of the Elf

It all started the night of Thanksgiving...our little elf named Elfie arrives for his traditional holiday visit. It's amazing how this "magical" creature can capture the heart of little boys and girls around the world in such an amazing way. This little elf has become such a part of our holiday traditions, as it is probably what the boys look forward to most in the days leading up to Santa's visit.

elfIn addition to our other dynamic elf duo "Jingles & Jangles", Elfie consumes every spare thought in Ryan's mind as he searches for clues of their whereabouts each morning, asks millions of questions about "elf history", writes them letters of thanks, and speaks to them when no one in the house is watching.

As I watch my children's eyes fill with wonder and belief that all things are possible, there is just something so hopeful that comes over me. While Dave and I remain positive that our prayers will somehow be answered, it's strange how this season gives me greater hope that maybe a little bit of "magic" could bring us our Christmas Miracle.

As I help Elfie to find his special place each night...I think of the smiles, laughter, and memories that my boys will hold with them forevryanccer of this wonderful holiday tradition... I think of how grateful I am that God has given me the two most precious gifts in Ryan and Mason...And times I think of asking Elfie to bring Santa a request for my one and only Christmas wish...a cure for Ryan. Perhaps, one night as your hand reaches out to your elf, you may do the same.

Dave and I would like to thank you for sharing in our hope and standing  beside us in this fight over the past five years. We are truly closer than ever before to a suitable treatment in the Duchenne field.
Please continue to fight with either donating or spreading the word. Help us keep the mission of Ryan's Quest alive.

To make a donation, please go to 

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