Saturday, November 12, 2016

Unite and Stay Safe

Well, as if things weren't bad enough before the United States Presidential Election, it's almost impossible to turn on the TV, go on Social Media, or even go out in public without witnessing racism, sexism, hatred, fighting, and divide in the world. Living in these times where there is so much disconnect, my heart cries. I thought we left all of this in the past. I had such high hopes for the future. But, people are hurt and NO ONE should have to suffer from being who they are!

My mind was completely blown yesterday when I saw the Safety Pin Movement that was started in the U.K. in June. I actually had a thought a few months back after experiencing so much racism in front of my face...I said at the time, "I wish I could wear a sticker every day that said 'I LOVE ALL PEOPLE'". Well, the Safety Pin is just that. It's a way to unite. A silver safety pin is a symbol that says "I am safe. You can come to me whether you are black, white, gay, Muslim, and so forth and I will love you".

People have been pinning the safety pin to their shirts or jackets so that they can be spotted by all. It's such a special movement and something I want to be part of - especially after I had to personally stop a racist moment yesterday which I could NOT believe was actually happening. I protected the person being hurt and I felt great about it ever since! Being able to use my voice and stand up for a fellow human being, was one of the greatest and most rewarding moments of my existence.

I was always taught to love everyone, so I want everyone to know they are loved by me! This is a great  easy way to do it! And, while it originally started with a silver safety pin, it seems as though you can now wear the pin in style if the movement is close to your heart. I found a bunch of neat accessories to help you spread the message. Keep others safe!

Be sure to use the arrows to navigate through the items.

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