Sunday, July 16, 2017

On Your Toes

Ballet Shoes. For some of us they are a foundation. For some of us they are life. When you're a little girl and you put ballet shoes on for the first time, it is as if you have been crowned a princess. And every time you are greeted by that familiar leather smell and fasten those pink shoes on to your feet with that elastic band and pull those strings tight to make a bow, something magical happens. You transform in to a ballerina - one who takes flight and lets her body move her to places she can't explain. Those shoes then graduate to pointe shoes where the satin ties up your leg to provide you a support that you never realize you may one day long for. Okay, so now you understand my emotional connection with ballet shoes. haha. So imagine how undeniably happy women like me all over the world are to be able to incorporate that piece of our lives in to our wardrobes and continue to put our feet in ballet-inspired shoes. And, I'm sure every woman that never had that chance to dance and longed for that feel, are as equally happy to put on some magic shoes. Designers have taken these special pink flats to a whole new level. They are definitely keeping each other on their toes with the competition. From color to fabrics to unique design, they will have you leaping with excitement! As for me, believing that hip-hop and ballet together can find harmony and make unique art, I'm in love with the edgier flats...the ones with Miu Miu! :)

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